
All In - Love Sick

All In: Love Sick

May 22nd, 2014 by

At one stage in Love Sick I was doubled up with hysterical laughter in the front row, lost for breath.  It is always a transformative thing to laugh that much, and the memory exists as a warm glow – but somehow all this good feeling has to be communicated in a review that gets across […]

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Third World Television: The Epicene Butcher and Other Stories for Consenting Adults

May 22nd, 2014 by

In the ancient Japanese picture-based story telling tradition, Kamishibai, the travelling tellers sold sweets to gather in an audience. For this Brighton Festival show, anyone who sat in the front row was given a lolly, one provocatively pre-sucked by the cheeky Chalk Boy (Glen Biderman-Pam). Chalk Boy acted as scene changer and entertainer, silent throughout, […]

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SynaesTheatre - The Girl and The Goat - Photo Peter Williams

SynaesTheatre: The Girl and The Goat

May 21st, 2014 by

The Girl and The Goat is the first production by new devised physical theatre company SynaesTheatre. They tackle an ambitiously earthy tale – a young woman’s conflict between her passionate affair with the god Pan (the eponymous goat) and the more conventional expectations of her family. It’s set in a loosely medieval frame and the […]

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Like Rabbits - Photo Victor Frankowski

Lost Dog & Lucy Kirkwood: Like Rabbits

May 20th, 2014 by

Lost Dog’s dance theatre went global in 2011 with their Place Prize-winning It Needs Horses, which has toured extensively since. Lucy Kirkwood’s Olivier award for Chimerica earlier this year has cemented her reputation as one of the foremost British playwrights of her generation. Like Rabbits, the world-premiering collaboration between them, holds the promise of combining […]

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Parlor Dance - Close Distance

Parlor Dance: Close Distance

May 19th, 2014 by

Close Distance’s vital portrayal of four neighbours has first-class choreography and dancing, a great storyline, not too over-inked, tangentially told with convincing dialogue, and a great soundtrack. It’s a full on 75 minutes that always has something catching the eye, the dance is compelling in that way that happens when dancers have fully invested in […]

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