So where was I? Ah yes, Stockton! Well, I left there Saturday, heading for the station with a friendly taxi driver who called me ‘pet’, caught a train to Darlington and learnt all about the footie from the Middlesborough supporters, just about made the connection at Darlington, arrived at Edinburgh Station 9pm and got transported […]
Tag Archives: Live Art

Stockton, Stockton!
August 7th, 2011 by Dorothy Max Prior‘If Stockton can’t come to Las Vegas, Las Vegas can come to Stockton!’ So says Johnny, star of Johnny’s Stuntshow, who’s revving up the Friday night crowd here in Market Square – the epicentre of the Stockton International Riverside Festival. Well, more than that: the epicentre of Stockton – apparently there’s been a market on this […]

Dog Kennel Hill Project: People Working Projects: Hinterview & The Devil And The Details
July 31st, 2011 by Thomas BaconHinterview sees Henrietta Hale, assisted by Ben Ash, attempt to draw into a physical form of expression conceptual ideas taken from interviews she conducted with people in their places of work. Concepts such as as success, happiness and fulfillment placed in the context of a contemporary economic/social climate result in concerns of collapse, strife, and renewal. […]

Anne Bean / Poshya Kakl: The Un-knitted Lives of Young Girls
July 8th, 2011 by Hannah SullivanThe Un-knitted Lives of Young Girls is part of a long collaborative relationship between visual and performance artist Anne Bean and young Iraqi performance artist Poshya Kakl. The performance was a screening of Kakl’s film Knitting Iron on two large screens hung on either side of a long industrial space in Birmingham’s AE Harris factory. The film documents […]

Sleepwalk Collective: As the flames rose we danced to the sirens, the sirens
July 8th, 2011 by Hannah SullivanA lone woman in a blonde ‘Marilyn’ wig and slick black dress stands at a tall microphone. She speaks to us directly but with an accent that’s hard to place and poetic text that, like a dream, starts in one place and ends in another. The blonde woman talks about black and white movies and […]