
Fraser Hooper: Boxing

May 29th, 2014 by

The first forty-five minutes of the show was Fraser’s popular Funny Business clown act. Man-handling children with his customary finesse, his balloon, juggling, and human puppetry routines are always delightful. He did right to limit the new boxing element to a short bout at the end. It is more suited to the outdoor arena. Pitching […]

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Molly Naylor and Iain Ross: If Destroyed Still True

May 29th, 2014 by

As a teenager who once dreamed of becoming insanely wealthy for the sole purpose of returning to the village where I grew up and buying the entire place only to turn it into the world’s largest maggot farm, there is plenty which rings true about tonight’s show. Writer/performer Molly Naylor and musician Iain Ross (from […]

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Deborah Pearson: The Future Show

May 29th, 2014 by

In The Future Show Deborah Pearson tells us how things are going to be, for her, for us, from this moment until she thinks her last thought. Imagine how it would be to know the future.  This knowledge would create a terrible lock, trapping you inside yourself in each specific moment of now-ness, fully aware […]

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Hannah Sullivan: Echo Beach

May 27th, 2014 by

Hannah Sullivan has been collecting the way people dance. Looking and logging individual attitudes and details, storing them away to put into her show. In the way you dance is both a revealed intention and a great deal which you unintentionally reveal. We get to watch Hannah snap between portrayals or gradually find the next […]

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Les Slovaks: Opening Night

May 27th, 2014 by

The five dancers and one musician that form Les Slovaks are on stage as the audience settles, smiling out at us. They begin with a folk song, in perfect harmony. So far, so Slovakian. Then something happens. The dancers move upstage into a square of light, they huddle in the corner, and one by one break […]

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