
Little Angel Theatre / Dotted Line: The Lonely One

Dotted Line: The Lonely One

August 15th, 2012 by

The Lonely One is a true example of a simple narrative beautifully executed with real heart and intelligence. Based on an extract from Ray Bradbury’sDandelion Wine, the typically lyrical dialogue immediately evokes a sense of place, transporting us into the heat of a suburban American summer’s night. The ‘lonely one’ himself is a shadowy and almost […]

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Communicado Theatre Company: Tam O’Shanter

Communicado Theatre Company: Tam O’Shanter

August 15th, 2012 by

A co-production with Horsecross Arts and Assembly Festival, Communicado Theatre Company’s Tam O’Shanter is a musical telling of the famous Robert Burns poem that details a drunken night of fun, laughter, martial strife and debauched supernatural encounters. A vibrant and physical production created and directed by Gerry Mulgrew, Communicado’s work keeps Burn’s poem as its core but […]

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Curious Directive: After the Rainfall ¦ Photo: Jasmine Robertson

Curious Directive: After the Rainfall

August 15th, 2012 by

Having won a Fringe First last year for the critically acclaimed Your Last Breath, Curious Directive’s second Fringe production comes loaded with some expectation. Much of this young devising company’s work explores the role that science plays in life, and in After the Rainfall, loss, colonialism, nuclear power and human ambition are thrust sharply under the microscope. […]

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Dangerologists: Work Songs ¦ Photo: Alex Perryman

Dangerologists: Work Songs

August 14th, 2012 by

There is much in the ideology of Work Songs that holds appeal for any of us who have toiled in an unforgiving job: explorations of complex status play and mind-numbing routine, and a clever examination of the tension caused by ridiculous office minutiae. Broderick Chow and Tom Wells are consummate performers in the physical theatre style, with […]

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Contact Theatre / Maxwell Golden: CountryBoy's Struggle

Contact Theatre / Maxwell Golden: CountryBoy’s Struggle

August 14th, 2012 by

CountryBoy’s Struggle grabbed my attention from the pre-set onwards and firmly held my interest through the absorbing and accomplished performance of Maxwell Golden, which combines sharply delivered multiple characters, imaginative use of physicality, and, of course, a big dash of rap. Golden plays ‘Michael’, the titular Country Boy and affable geek, and the piece is directed […]

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