
Tomboy Blues – The Theory of Disappointment

Mars.tarrab: Tomboy Blues – The Theory of Disappointment

August 20th, 2011 by

In Tomboy Blues – The Theory of Disappointment two performers explore the nature of disappointment and tomboyish behaviour by trailing through their childhood memories, quoting cheesy movies, listening to music, and reading unreliable science books. We focus on the scientific fact that hope is intrinsically built into every human psyche, and that to have hope will unavoidably […]

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1927: The Animals and Children Took to the Streets

1927: The Animals and Children Took to the Streets

August 20th, 2011 by

So here we are, in the beautiful big city where there’s ‘milk and honey in every Frigidaire, and muzak playing in the air’. But wait: every city has its dark side, and there are places that the tourist buses don’t take you to. I mean, who goes to London to see Tottenham, or Peckham, or […]

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All or Nothing / Strange Bird Zirkus: Uncharted Waters

All or Nothing / Strange Bird Zirkus: Uncharted Waters

August 20th, 2011 by

Billing itself as ‘three short stories narrated through contemporary circus and aerial dance’ Uncharted Waters takes a general theme of the nautical and seafaring. There are (as it says on the can) three pieces presented, these linked, or interspersed perhaps a better way to put it, by live song of a sea shanty nature sung by Dave […]

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Ray Lee: Ethometric Museum

Ray Lee: Ethometric Museum

August 19th, 2011 by

Six people, wearing hard hats and treading carefully, are led into the basement of the Hill Street Masonic Lodge. Dr Kounadea, in a neat tweed skirt suit and sensible shoes, explains that we are about to enter some ancient tunnels, wherein was found the Radiometric Analyser Mark 4. There are concentric circles etched into the […]

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Siro-A: Technodelic Comedy Show ¦ Photo: Midori Tsunoda

Siro-A: Technodelic Comedy Show

August 19th, 2011 by

So, who remembers Yellow Magic Orchestra? They heralded the 1980s with their spectacular mix of electronic pop music, Kraftwerk-esque ‘showroom dummy’ performance, cutting-edge animation, and live computer-gaming references. Siro-A are like the wayward children of YMO: 30 years on, the technology has advanced, but the aesthetic is similar – yet this time the ante is upped […]

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