
Grid Iron: What Remains

Grid Iron: What Remains

August 10th, 2011 by

What remains after death? Rags, bones, memories, melodies… Ah yes, melodies! Long after the piano lid has been slammed shut for the last time, the notes live on, echoing forever around the great soundbox that is this earthly world. Grid Iron, the kings and queens of Scottish site-responsive theatre, have created a brand-new promenade piece […]

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Homo Promos: Strip Search

Homo Promos: Strip Search

August 10th, 2011 by

As I skate in a few seconds before the performance (after running up and down The Scotsman steps to check the platform for a train back to Glasgow), the box office are just about to sell my ticket. ‘It’s a very popular show,’ they say, as apologies follow on both sides. Sure enough, three of […]

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Theatre Ad Infinitum: Translunar Paradise ¦ Photo: Alex Brenner

Theatre Ad Infinitum: Translunar Paradise

August 10th, 2011 by

Oh heart, oh troubled heart! An old man, recently bereaved, sits and sits, the minutes ticking by with painful slowness. He makes tea, and out of habit pours two cups, one for him and one for his dead wife. And still he sits. Watching him in anguish is the spirit of his wife, desperate to […]

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Bootworks Theatre: The Incredible Book Eating Boy

Bootworks Theatre: The Incredible Book Eating Boy

August 9th, 2011 by

This five-minute wonder of a production takes place in a black box, a little tent or Tardis for a very small audience. Young children (the target age group is four upwards) may be accompanied by an adult, but otherwise the performance is tailored to a single viewer. Three windows alternate in peep-show scenes, with shutters […]

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Circolombia: Urban

Circolombia: Urban

August 9th, 2011 by

One of the most breathtaking of Circolombia’s acts is a ‘frontal perch’. A bare-chested man balances a huge hoop like a Celtic cross on just his forehead, occasionally using his arms for further support. With exquisite balance and considerable skill, a woman moves gracefully within the circle. It’s humbling to see their lives linked on […]

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