
Race Horse Company - Super Sunday - Photo by Petter Hellman

Race Horse Company: Super Sunday

April 19th, 2016 by

Race Horse Company opens CircusFest 2016 with Super Sunday, a show that is ridiculous and playful while remaining touching in its reverence to circus history. This young Finnish company was founded in 2008 on the premise of creating ‘a completely new kind of contemporary circus’ and they achieve this, somehow, by going back to its […]

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Fye and Foul - Cathedral - Photo by Vivianna Chiotini

Fye and Foul: Cathedral

April 12th, 2016 by

Set in near-darkness, Cathedral, inspired by a short story by Raymond Carver, uses light and sound to explore our experience of memory, truth, and reality. The darkness is disorienting at first, leaving us in a heightened state of awareness, waiting in earnest for the smallest flicker of light or movement. The performance is built around […]

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TOOT - Focus Group

TOOT: Focus Group

April 12th, 2016 by

Focus Group is an adaptation of David Foster Wallace’s short story Mister Squishy, and follows protagonist Terry (Terry O’Donovan) as he reaches toward his sense of aggrieved occlusion. We, the audience, have been invited to participate in a focus group, carried out by Terry’s market research company on behalf of a major cake manufacturer (in the […]

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Fables for a Boy

Adrian Sandvaer: Fables for a Boy

April 7th, 2016 by

This performance incorporates theatre, musical theatre and visual theatre in a variety of styles to tell several stories, the main one being a young boy’s challenging coming of age to be a teenager. While his parents are going through an acrimonious split, he finds comfort in the fantasy worlds created by his grandmother, until, that […]

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Kate Darach - Moon Tales - Photo by Daniel Stevens

Kate Darach: Moon Tales

April 7th, 2016 by

Like a classic old lady from the woods in a fairy tale, wicker basket on arm, headscarf, dark shawl, and in front of a circular projection of twigs brushing a cloudy sky, Lizzie addresses us. She tells us she is ‘old now, of no use but to tell stories’. She lets us in on ancient-sounding […]

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