‘Sisters are Doing it For Themselves’ blares out as we take our seats. The family next to me in the queue have a young girl of around 10 or 11 in their party, and they ask an usher if the show is suitable for her. There may be some things that go over her head, […]

Cirque Les Foutoukours: Kombini
August 6th, 2019 by Dorothy Max PriorThe phone rings. The pair of clowns onstage are waiting for the big call – the one from an international festival that will make them stars. Nope, not this time… Both are in traditional dress and make-up. One is definitely of higher status: tall, slim, obviously in charge – and the base in the highly […]

Trick of the Light: Tröll
August 5th, 2019 by Beccy SmithTröll is the seventh production by award-winning New Zealand company, Trick of the Light and the second of their shows I have seen. Their work is marked out by a satisfying aesthetic rigour that playfully interweaves visual languages and new writing to create a very complete on-stage world. In Tröll, that world is the 90s, […]

Bongsu Park/Jin-Yeob Cha: Dream Ritual
July 4th, 2019 by Dorothy Max PriorShe sleeps, she dreams, she sleepwalks… She is dressed in diaphanous white. She lies, curled, on a glossy black floor that’s as reflective as a mirror. The low-key soundtrack hinting at a heartbeat, a ticking clock. The electronic drones and pulses are augmented by bells and bowls. She is lit beautifully, her graceful form illuminated […]

Jessica Wilson: The Passenger
July 1st, 2019 by Dorothy Max PriorOh, the passenger / He rides and he rides / He sees things from under glass / He looks through his window’s eye / He sees the things he knows are his / He sees the bright and hollow sky… Today I am The Passenger. And I ride, and I ride: train, train, tube, DLR, DLR – and with just […]