
Cristian Ceresoli / Silvia Gallerano: The Shit / La Merda: The Disgust Decalogue #1

Cristian Ceresoli / Silvia Gallerano: The Shit / La Merda: The Disgust Decalogue #1

August 8th, 2012 by

What better a setting for a rap on female insecurity about the body, sexual insecurity and fear of being judged than this? There she is – exposed, naked, sat on a high stool under harsh spotlights –  in the demonstration room of an old veterinary school, a bleak white-walled space with onlookers sat on a […]

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Caroline Horton: Mess

Caroline Horton: Mess

August 8th, 2012 by

Caroline Horton’s runaway hit You’re Not Like The Other Girls Chrissyestablished her as a writer and performer of some distinction – a gracious and engaging presence on stage with a good ear for the rhythm of prose and a natural wit. Mess has been a harder call. A play about her own experience with anorexia, made for […]

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National Theatre of Scotland: An Appointment with The Wicker Man

National Theatre of Scotland: An Appointment with The Wicker Man

August 8th, 2012 by

It opens like a Farndale Avenue show. An am-dram production by the Loch Parry Players of The Wicker Man, with suitably dilapidated scenery, naff costumes and an inappropriate West End style showbiz song and dance number which is very ably done. The core cast of familiar Wicker Man characters are assembled to rehearse, sending cues to the […]

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Faye Draper: Tea is an Evening Meal ¦ Photo: Oran Milstein

Faye Draper: Tea is an Evening Meal

August 8th, 2012 by

Breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea, dinner, supper… Well, at least we are all agreed on breakfast. But what does ‘tea’ mean to you? A brew with biccies or an evening meal? There are around twelve of us gathered around a nice old-fashioned kitchen table, a decent solid pine-wood table, not one of those lightweight things from […]

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Ontroerend Goed: All That is Wrong

Ontroerend Goed: All That is Wrong

August 8th, 2012 by

Girl, 18. She’s dressed in a loose pink jersey and skinny jeans, limp blonde hair falling over her face, no make-up. There’s an echo of the Corinne Day photos of the young Kate Moss in her cool and loose prettiness. She’s sitting on the floor next to a young man, and they’re talking in a […]

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