
Head First Acrobats: Elixir

August 11th, 2016 by

It’s 10pm at Underbelly’s Circus Hub, and the audience are primed for a sassy show after huddling together in the windy outside bar, before filing into the sold-out big top. Head First Acrobats – Thomas Gorham, Cal Harris and Rowan Thomas – provide just what is needed as they bamboozle viewers with a show tightly […]

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Underbelly Productions: Trash Test Dummies

August 11th, 2016 by

When we see three workers really engaged with the physical actions of their job,  we can see how inventive people can be. It’s depends on their capacity to treat every action in their day-by-day life work with humour and creativity. The three Trash Test Dummies performers, in the guise of rubbish collectors, show with great ability how […]

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Kallo Collective: Only Bones

Kallo Collective: Only Bones

August 11th, 2016 by

A plain and unadorned space, a circle drawn on the ground, a light, a chair. And a body. A human body. A bag of bones. The body belongs to Thomas Monkton, seen previously at the Edinburgh Fringe and the London International Mime Festival with The Pianist. But Only Bones is a very different kettle of […]

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Emma Serjeant: Grace

August 10th, 2016 by

High up in the space, curled up around a rope, is a body, and as the show starts, the body descends, falls with a thud. A confused young woman in a smart black trouser suit and red shirt looks out to us. I remember, she says… I remember… She remembers crossing the road, her mobile […]

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Rachael Clerke and the Great White Males: Cuncrete

August 9th, 2016 by

A drag king punk gig about architecture and idealism? Bring it on! Cuncrete sees Rachael Clerke assume the identity of Archie ‘I invented the Barbican’ Tactful, architect, who becomes the vessel for her exploration of the domination of our built environment by Great White Males. She is aided and abetted by a posse of performance […]

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