
Auments: Malasombra

August 11th, 2014 by

The lost or stolen shadow – or the shadow that takes charge of its own destiny – is a common theme in fairy tales, perhaps most famously explored in the Hans Christian Andersen short story ‘The Shadow’. In Malasombra, Spanish company Auments use the obvious (and that’s not necessarily a bad thing) device of shadow […]

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Instabili Vaganti: Made in ILVA

August 11th, 2014 by

Work, work, work. Never stopping, fighting to meet the productivity deadlines… That’s all there is – that and a fitful night’s sleep, dreaming terrible dreams, until it is time to get up and get back on the treadmill. That is the sum of a working man’s life. Surrounded on three sides by audience, a lone […]

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KILN - The Furies - Photo Bianca Harvey

KILN: The Furies and Lady GoGo Goch

August 10th, 2014 by

Kiln (formerly Kindle Theatre) are making great strides in experimentation with sound and vocal scores and the vision is potentially terrific. It takes time to ferment the fulfilment of the vision and maybe the Edinburgh run for these two shows is too exposing and too soon. Both shows come with haunting vocal scores. Aspiring music […]

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Ragroof Players - Bridges y Puentes - Photo Rosie Powell

The Ragroof Players: Bridges y Puentes

August 10th, 2014 by

A travelling show for travelling people, The Ragroof Player’s Bridges y Puentes pitched up in Margate on a sunny summer weekend. We gather outside a disused building in the unreconstructed part of town and are issued with passports. Around the back, gathered together in a huddle, we watch as six characters emerge from the street […]

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Frank Wurzinger - Goodbye Gunther - Photo Farrow Creatives

Frank Wurzinger: Goodbye Günther

August 9th, 2014 by

This piece from Frank Wurzinger, directed by the deft hand of stalwart John Wright, is as much a joy as it is a jesting tragedy. Being drawn into the world of Frank Wurzinger’s passionate and foolhardy attempt to perform his play for us warts and all is a delightful journey into collapse – the collapse […]

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