
Penny Arcade: Bitch! Dyke! Faghag! Whore!

Penny Arcade: Bitch! Dyke! Faghag! Whore!

August 9th, 2012 by

‘There are lesbians in this room; there are gay men in this room; there are heterosexuals in this room; there are bisexual people in this room, are there not? There are transsexual people, asexual people… There are at least five kinds of gay men in this room and they don’t agree with each other about […]

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Tortoise in a Nutshell: Grit

Tortoise in a Nutshell: Grit

August 9th, 2012 by

It is often said that there is not enough puppetry for adults in theatre, and it can certainly be difficult to find performances that use the full potential of puppetry for tackling serious themes. Thankfully there is hope at Bedlam Theatre, where Edinburgh-based company Tortoise in a Nutshell are making full use of this often […]

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Donna Rutherford: Kin

Donna Rutherford: Kin

August 9th, 2012 by

Donna Rutherford, caught between memories of the past and projections of an uncertain future, dives into a subject that most people simply try to ignore: the inevitability of becoming old, the rapid passing of time, like the sand in an hourglass; and the shift in the parent/time relationship – specifically, that moment when the natural […]

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Third Angel / mala voadora: What I Heard About The World

Third Angel: What I Heard About The World

August 8th, 2012 by

Somewhere in the world is a radio station tuned to silence; a couple so dedicated to their virtual child that they allow their real-life baby to starve to death; a bus-load of girls who are all called Natasha who cross the border to serve men’s sexual needs; a zoo that paints its mules black-and-white to […]

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Les Enfants Terribles: The Trench

Les Enfants Terribles: The Trench

August 8th, 2012 by

Firm festival favourites Les Enfants Terribles have returned to the Fringe this year with The Trench, the story of a man trapped underground in a collapsed tunnel beneath the battlefields of France during World War One. We follow him as he encounters demons buried in the mud and comes to terms with the loss of his […]

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