Paulo Nani saunters onto the stage, wearing a minimal costume of black trousers, lace-up boots, a white T-shirt and clip-on braces, with his hair in tufts. He pauses, looks at us and raises a quizzical eyebrow. We laugh and are subtly drawn into his world. He bows and we applaud, which he acknowledges yet undercuts […]

Groupwork: The Afflicted
August 18th, 2019 by Katherina Radeva4 women in t-shirts and skirts, little socks and trainers, standing next to each other huddled up in a shape fit for teenage girl band poster image 4 red chairs, the kind you see in schools 4 microphones on stands with red cables A video screen suspended at the back of the stage mid way […]

Volcano Theatre: The Populars
August 18th, 2019 by Katherina RadevaEver wondered what the cafe in Edinburgh’s Summerhall venue looks like after hours? Going to see The Populars is one way to find out. No chairs, no tables, an empty space with glorious wooden floor. A floor ready to be danced on. As we enter, the four performers are already dancing and they are definitely […]

Still Hungry: Raven
August 15th, 2019 by Dorothy Max PriorSo, what sort of a mother are you? Raven, woodpecker or eagle? Still Hungry’s collective of three artists – Anke van Engelshoven, Lena Ries and Romy Seibt – have come together to create innovative circus works that are ‘fresh, feminist, strong, and do not shy away from exploring personal themes that are not easily found […]

Mr & Mrs Clark: Louder Is not Always Clearer
August 15th, 2019 by Katherina RadevaLouder Is not Always Clearer is a two man duet. A man in a T-shirt is sitting behind a desk, facing the audience. On the desk there is a computer. Another man is wearing a white doctor’s coat behind a second desk. On this desk are a computer and a sound mixing desk. On the […]