Circus, circus, circus! Three thrilling shows – UNITY, Luminosa, Passagers. One outdoors, two indoors. All seen September 2021 and reported on here by Dorothy Max Prior Well, it’s been a tough couple of years for all of us. Theatres closed, festivals cancelled. Actors, musicians, dancers, technicians all twiddling their thumbs at home, wondering what’s going […]

Something in the Air
August 26th, 2021 by Dorothy Max PriorDorothy Max Prior talks to Joe Mackintosh, chief executive of Out There Arts and artistic director of the Out There International Festival of Circus and Street Arts, which returns to Great Yarmouth 17–19 September 2021 ‘There is quite an upbeat mood around culture in Yarmouth at the moment,’ says Joe Mackintosh, ‘an upswell of energy […]

The Art of Behaving Badly
June 25th, 2021 by Dorothy Max PriorStill anonymous and still committed to action, the Guerrilla Girls just keep chipping away at the patriarchy. Dorothy Max Prior talks to the legendary masked avengers of the art world about campaigns past and present, including their latest, The Male Graze ‘Frida Kahlo has joined your meeting’ is possibly the best Zoom alert ever… Especially […]

Lights in the Darkness
June 14th, 2021 by Dorothy Max PriorColliding particles, sunshine on a forest path, overlapping monologues, a beautifully lit empty theatre, and a candle lighting ceremony – Dorothy Max Prior samples the delights of the installation programme at Brighton Festival 2021 The invitation came in early May for a press viewing of Semiconductor’s latest installation work, Halo. So used was I to […]

Mirror Mirror on the Wall
May 31st, 2021 by Antonino GiuffréWhen objects are more than a prop: Antonino Giuffré reflects on the secret life of the silent stars of the show Standing here long before beginners’ call, I watch the audience enter and murmur rather awkwardly. They sit, they chat. Some of them look at me – just a glance most of the time, while […]