
Root Experience: What Is It About That Night

Root Experience: What Is It About That Night

January 17th, 2013 by

Whilst the stage of Brighton’s oldest theatre – the Georgian chocolate-box Theatre Royal – is dark, audiences are still being admitted via the 200 year-old stage door. A series of opportunities to explore backstage, of which What Is It About That Night is the fullest production, have been curated to entice the public into the […]

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Stan's Cafe: The Cardinals

Stan’s Cafe: The Cardinals

January 17th, 2013 by

British stalwarts Stan’s Cafe’s latest work mines a range of familiar comic theatrical tropes: the backstage action revealed, the deconstruction of well-known tales, and amateurs staging a performance. In The Cardinals the company set three red-robed cardinals the task of staging the (hi)story of the Holy Land, from Genesis to modern day Jerusalem. Inside a […]

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Derevo: Harlekin ¦ Photo: D Hartwig

Derevo: Harlekin

January 16th, 2013 by

Unlike most Derevo shows, Harlekin is not a large ensemble work, but it still has the chaotically creative inventiveness we have come to expect from the company, as well as the stunning visual imagery and blood-pumping soundscore composed by long-time collaborator Daniel Williams. Anton Adasinsky’s Harlekin is more of a Petrushka type character, forever beguiled […]

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Le Patin Libre: The Rule of 3

Le Patin Libre: The Rule of 3

January 12th, 2013 by

Any theatre company brave enough to wade into the unknown and take theatre into new and unusual places deserves plenty of credit. French-Canadian collective Le Patin Libre have done just that with The Rule of 3, a visual theatre / dance / ice skating performance that takes place in ice rinks. The company are determined […]

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My!Laika: Popcorn Machine ¦ Image: MONA

My!Laika: Popcorn Machine

January 12th, 2013 by

  A popcorn machine, indeed – the popped corn littering the stage, the smell of burnt oil and singed corn filling the room. Not only, but also: a wonky honky-tonk piano, whirring fan wobbling atop, dry ice puffing out from below; a trunk-load of dismembered mannequins, hands and feet and heads juggled and rolled; a […]

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