
Teatr Zar: Caesarean Section – Essays on Suicide

Teatr Zar: Caesarean Section – Essays on Suicide

August 12th, 2012 by

The audience is seated in traverse, on either side of the stage area. The performers are in the space – sitting, waiting – and a metronome is ticking loudly. The lights go out, and we are plunged into total darkness. The velvet softness of the dark is shattered by the harsh sound of glass breaking. […]

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DO-Theatre: Hangman

DO-Theatre: Hangman

August 11th, 2012 by

To a soundscape of ominous music, a suited and bowler-hatted typist diligently sets to work. In the background, spelt out in large bold letters, the word H-A-N-G-M-A-N hangs proud. Mid-stage are three dozing suited characters, their heads heavy on a table. In a world of shadows and uncertainty, these dark clad clowns rouse and play […]

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Song of the Goat: Macbeth

Song of the Goat: Macbeth

August 11th, 2012 by

Amidst the very misty, thick stage smoke I can just about find a seat. Before Song of the Goat’s Macbeth commences, director Grzegorz Bral addresses us with the invitation to ‘watch it with your ears’.  Lights dim and when vision permits we see a semi-circle of performers bathed in muted half light, amber toned. Half seen, all […]

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Unfolding Theatre: Best in the World ¦ Photo: Reid Ingram Weir

Unfolding Theatre: Best in the World

August 11th, 2012 by

Take a moment to recall a point in your life when you did exactly the right thing at the right time. Unfolding Theatre Company ask this of their audience in their subtly powerful one-man production Best in the World. It is an inspirational hour that explores what it is like to be the best at something, […]

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Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio: Detention

Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio: Detention

August 11th, 2012 by

Hong Kong company Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio’s Detention is a non-verbal physical theatre piece and acrobatic comedy combining clowning, martial arts and percussion. The scene for the show is a high school class room, its blackboard chalked with the words ‘be a good student’. Enter, one a at a time, three mischievous, highly active teenage boys. They […]

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