
Ivana Muller: 60 Minutes of Opportunism

Ivana Muller: 60 Minutes of Opportunism

October 26th, 2011 by

I decided to see 60 Minutes of Opportunism knowing precious little about Ivana, her work or this particular piece, just taking the words and image from the Basement’s brochure as my guide. The seating is raked up one end of the space, with a long and empty vista ahead. Into this walks Ivana, wearing a green top, […]

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Fabulous Beast: Rian

Fabulous Beast: Rian

October 24th, 2011 by

Fabulous Beast’s artistic director Michael Keegan-Dolan has been friends with Hothouse Flowers lead man Liam Ó Maonlaí for many years. For Rian, they have brought both of their passions together to create a joyous evening of traditional Irish music with Keegan-Dolan’s contemporary choreography. At the outset, eight dancers and five musicians sit amongst an array of […]

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Gob Squad: Where is Gob Squad? Adventures in Remote Lecturing

Where is Gob Squad? Adventures in Remote Lecturing

October 20th, 2011 by

Gob Squad is collective of UK and German artists who juxtapose fixed-form performance with the improvised and unpredictable. Typically their work can be found outside of a traditional theatre, exploring the corners of contemporary life, seeking absurdity and spectacle as they capture moments of exquisite humanity in our decaying urban existence. Tonight, we are in […]

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Bobby Baker's Daily Life Ltd: Mad Gyms and Kitchens

Bobby Baker’s Daily Life Ltd: Mad Gyms and Kitchens

October 15th, 2011 by

Hidden under the chaos of the living moment… Thomas Bacon on Bobby Baker’s Mad Gyms and Kitchens Entering the space of Bobby Baker is a disarming experience. The audience are onstage at the ICIA; fluorescent striplights domestically illuminate the space. There are no gels, Gobos or carefully positioned Parcans here: the theatricality is stripped away and […]

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Dan Canham: 30 Cecil Street ¦ Photo: John Hunter at RULER thisisruler.net

Dan Canham: 30 Cecil Street / Augusto Corrieri: Musical Pieces

October 15th, 2011 by

Placing Dan Canham and Augusto Corrieri’s work together on one bill was evidence of a canny bit of curating by The Nightingale’s Steve Brett: both artists are young men trained in contemporary dance who create performance works that sit somewhere within the dance, theatre and live art triangle – clever, entertaining and curious (in all […]

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