
The Frog and the Bicycle

March 15th, 2016 by

Penny Francis experiences a total theatre delight at Vélo Théatre’s Greli Grelo festival in France  The decision to go surprised everyone, not least myself. The beginning of February had brought a small brochure of a small festival to be staged at the end of the month in a small French town I’d never heard of named […]

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Rhiannon Faith - Scary Shit

Rhiannon Faith: Scary Shit

March 6th, 2016 by

Rhiannon Faith’s Scary Shit is a collaboration with Maddy Morgan and psychotherapist Joy Griffiths. Faith and Morgan’s performance draws on autobiographical subject matter that emerged during therapy sessions as part of the creative process. The duo uncover a darker side of womanhood that is rarely thrown into light with such disarming honesty, facilitated by their […]

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Circus The Return

Circus and the Search for Home

March 5th, 2016 by

Across the Barbican’s vast stage – right across, east to west – is a wall. It could be anywhere: Berlin pre-1989; the West Bank, anytime over the past 30 years. It could be now: Bulgaria, Macedonia, Hungary; the entrance to the  Channel Tunnel at Calais. It’s perhaps 3 or 4 metres high, a mottled rusty-grey […]

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Jeramee, Hartleby and Oogelmore - Photo by Richard Davenport

Unicorn Theatre: Jeramee, Hartleby and Ooglemore

February 24th, 2016 by

Classic clowning is joyfully brought to life at the Unicorn Theatre for Gary Owen’s Jeramee, Hartleby and Ooglemore. It’s interesting to see the piece in the same week that I finally caught Owen’s Iphigenia in Splott, his celebrated play that is enjoying a run at the National Theatre’s Temporary Space. Whilst Iphigenia is a dense, […]

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I’m Hunt, She’s Darton

February 23rd, 2016 by

 Tea for two? Lisa Wolfe finds the place where food meets art, at the Hunt & Darton Café  ‘Regret nothing’ is a great life motto for some, but I still curse myself for leaving Jenny Hunt and Holly Darton’s SICK! Festival Café minutes too early one lunchtime in March 2014. My sister-in-law had just courageously […]

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