RoguePlay Theatre draw from dance and circus, calling themselves ‘high physical theatre’ artists, often using aerial skills in their work. 3am Waitress, directed by Kim Charnock, is a tempered-down version of what it could be. Two café tables dress the space, one with three paper cups and two sugar servers, and one with a radio […]

Constant Vigier: (Mes)dames
August 23rd, 2018 by Rebecca JS NiceBallet dancer Constant Vigier, trained in Paris, is emerging as a choreographer through a series of small-scale works and Fringe performances: his current work (Mes)dames is his third Edinburgh Fringe piece, programmed by the French Institute. (Mes)dames, opens with three young women carefully poised on a chair dressed with a silk map of the world. […]

The Scientific Romance Theatre Company: The Time Machine
August 23rd, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorHG Wells’ The Time Machine, published in 1895, is sometimes credited with being the first sci-fi novel (although some might say that Mary Shelley beat him to it by 80 years with Frankenstein). Regardless, his novella, featuring the adventures of a man named only as The Time Traveller, is a seminal text, and this production […]

ThisEgg: dressed.
August 23rd, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorShe no longer wants to talk about getting stripped; she now wants to talk about getting dressed. She sits behind a sewing machine, her lit face rapt in concentration, her beautiful pre-Raphaelite auburn curls falling forward. The machine judders along. ‘Wearing clothes I have made is the most honest way I have of being in […]

Company 2: Sediment
August 22nd, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorFor anyone who saw and loved the feel-good romps Cantina or Scotch & Soda, or the clever homage to circus tradition She Would Walk the Sky, the news that the creator of these shows, Company 2, were now making a piece inspired by Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground might be received with alarm. But fear […]