
Playing into Performance: an interview with The PappyShow

February 27th, 2019 by

After the end of a very busy week, performing three productions (BOYS, GIRLS and CARE) at VAULT Festival, Kane Husbands and Eddie-Joe Robinson of The PappyShow chatted to Ciaran Hammond about their company, their practice and physical theatre. Where did The PappyShow start? KANE: We started six years ago. I was working full time at the […]

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Origins and Overlaps: New Public at Vault Festival 2019

February 26th, 2019 by

New Public is an emerging London-based theatre company, bringing together diverse disciplines to make new work, including circus, performance art and clowning. The company members are: Katariina Tamm, Dean Elliott, Jo Moss, Stefanie Bruckner, Tom Kelsey and Christopher Adams, all graduates of the RADA Theatre Lab MA. Ciaran Hammond talks to Jo, Katariina and Dean, during […]

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Ellie Kendrick /Helen Goalen & Abbi Greenland: Hole

February 19th, 2019 by

Upstairs at the Royal Court. You have to climb a lot of stairs or ride the lift to the tippety-top to reach this venue; leaving the bright lights and the loud industry laughter of the basement bar long behind you. Already it feels like we are going to witness something dark, something so special that […]

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Jaha Koo: Cuckoo

February 18th, 2019 by

Cuckoo! Here they come, the Cuckoos – red and white and shiny, rolling along the conveyor belt as a cheery jingle sings out. What is a Cuckoo? It’s a rice cooker – the brand so popular in Jaha Koo’s homeland, South Korea, that Cuckoo is to rice cooker there as Hoover is to vacuum cleaner […]

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Gandini Juggling & Alexander Whitley Dance: Spring

February 7th, 2019 by

After 29 years of experimenting at the boundaries of juggling, Gandini Juggling have returned to their earliest roots, merging contemporary dance with juggling in their latest work, Spring. Choreographed by Alexander Whitley (a New Wave associate artist at Sadler’s Wells, who previously worked with Ballet Rambert and Michael Clark, before forming his own contemporary dance […]

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