
Clod Ensemble: Placebo

October 24th, 2018 by

I was shocked recently to learn that dock leaves offer no scientifically proven relief to nettle stings. What I had taken as a given all my life was not ancient folkloric wisdom but yet another tale told by those mischievous ‘old wives.’ What we choose to believe depends on how it is sold to us. […]

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Coming Up Roses

October 12th, 2018 by

Rose Bruford is blooming! Ciaran Hammond reflects on the College’s growing presence at Summerhall in Edinburgh – at the Fringe and beyond It’s August, it’s the Edinburgh Fringe, and I’m running to Summerhall in the rain – forgetting that Edinburgh summers are a bit more overcast than London summers – with a vegetable pasty in […]

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Slow Art

September 25th, 2018 by

Dorothy Max Prior goes to Inside Out Dorset, a biennial outdoor arts festival with an emphasis on work that both honours and engages with the landscape in which it is sited, urban or rural A Friday evening in September on the waterfront at Poole Quay. A bright night, with a tiny sliver of new moon […]

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Circus Playlist 2018

September 24th, 2018 by

He’s back! Adrian Berry, Artistic Director of Jacksons Lane, returns with the legendary Edinburgh Fringe Circus Playlist Ok, 2018 Edinburgh Fringe – it’s that time once more when I whizz through half a dozen or so circus shows and compare them to a random album from the depths of my mind. Who’s going to be […]

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Gemma Brockis: An Execution (by invitation only)

September 16th, 2018 by

Lights on, lights off. Is Martin Creed in the house? Enigmatic exchanges between nameless prisoner and jailer. Pinter, perhaps? Unexpected explosions into the space of ludicrous objects and strange creatures. Ahoy there, Ionesco! A disembodied mouth groaning and licking its lips expectantly. Oh, we were waiting for you, Beckett. Channelling Artaud to bring us a […]

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