
Lobke Leirens & Maxim Storms: Another One

August 10th, 2018 by

Lights up, a bare white stage with a tent constructed from sticks and canvas sits upstage left. Two people, a man and woman, vibrate onto the stage dressed in smart woollen clothes and moleskin winter hats. As if shaking from the coldness of Siberia, the couple’s vibrating grows into specific bodily contortions, seemingly in dialogue […]

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Valentijn Dhaenens / KVS & SKaGeN : Unsung

August 10th, 2018 by

A silent space, a backdrop half-raised, the enormous printed face on it partly obscured, crumpled. Some plinths boasting nondescript plants. And bananas. A large portrait-shaped screen, looking like an enormous smartphone. A microphone. A man comes in. A fit-looking man in a smart, straight-legged deep blue suit, crisp white shirt, thin tie. His uniform. Business […]

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Teatteri Metamorfoosi: The Sauna

August 10th, 2018 by

On the dimly-lit stage, a figure moves around, sits herself on a plinth with a bucket. An old woman, naked, empty hanging breasts, a long sad face. The sound of water trickling and dripping and sloshing. As the light increases (slightly) we note that the figure is wearing an – intentionally, we presume – badly-wrinkled […]

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Rhum and Clay: Mistero Buffo

August 9th, 2018 by

The Underbelly’s Big Belly venue is full of water vapour spread throughout the air as drops of water trickle from the cave walls onto the performance space. It’s dark and ancient, carrying with it a history that can be looked at for the wisdom in its beauty as well as it’s unrelenting and grizzly nature… […]

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Vincent Gambini: The Chore of Enchantment

August 9th, 2018 by

Teeming with English cynicism and the widely felt nihilism that has become commonplace in 2018, Vincent Gambini presents a lovely hybrid of theatre and magic to create what he describes as ‘magic tricks where it gets sad in between’. In The Chore of Enchantment, Gambini questions the value of the world of magic that he […]

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