
Big Wow: The Art of Falling Apart

Big Wow: The Art of Falling Apart

January 20th, 2012 by

It’s a fact of life that we’re all getting older. Some of us might be getting older than others, but the facts are indisputable. And as we age, and as the life around us changes, sometimes we have to check in and ask ourselves how we’re doing. The question needs to be posed: ‘Is this […]

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NoFit State Circus: Mundo Paralelo ¦ Photo: Kiran Ridley

NoFit State Circus: Mundo Paralelo

January 20th, 2012 by

At LIMF this year NoFit State Circus – known more usually for their large-scale tented productions Immortal and tabú – bring us Mundo Paralelo, a show for proscenium arch theatres directed by circus novice Mladen Materic, the Serbian director of Theatre Tattoo, and performed by a troupe of eleven international performers. Mundo Paralelo translates as ‘parallel world’, and in his direction Materic […]

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eehigh & Little Angel Theatre: A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

January 19th, 2012 by

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings – he’s come from who-knows-where and he’s landed in someone’s backyard in a small village somewhere-or-other, causing quite a flurry. What is he exactly, chicken man or stargazer? The locals divide up into those who consider him to […]

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Gandini Juggling: Smashed

Gandini Juggling: Smashed

January 18th, 2012 by

In this, their fourth visit to London International Mime Festival in their twenty-year history, Gandini Juggling present their most theatrical work to date. This represents the culmination of a continual investigation of the relationship between juggling, dance and theatre, aided not least by their long-standing relationship with the late, and quietly great, choreographer Gill Clarke. […]

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Autour du Mime: Tell Me The Truth and Other Stories ¦ Photo: Luciano Usai

Autour du Mime: Tell Me The Truth and Other Stories

January 17th, 2012 by

Making creations about creating can be a risky business. Whilst there are moments in this two-handed collection of short pieces – performed by French mime duo Sara Mangano and Pierre Yves-Massip – where the risk certainly pays off, it is not all smooth sailing. The Child of the High Seas, one of the four pieces, […]

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